Friday, August 19, 2011

Jack's first allergy is....

...ham?  I know it sounds odd, but this is what happened immediately after Jack tasted his first piece of deli ham.

I was explaining this reaction to the doctor yesterday and described how Jack immediately began scratching his throat while he was eating.  After showing him this picture he confirmed that this was hives and that Jack should be tested for a pork allergy.  I'm happy to report that the reaction faded quickly after dinner and that he is doing just fine.  I'll be taking Jack in for an allergy test next week and I'll keep you posted with the results.

Does anyone in the family have food allergies?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jack is 9 months!

Jack's 9 months old now!  He is just as happy as ever and seems to really enjoy being around other people.  He smiles when we drop him off in the nursery, waves at strangers at the store, and reaches out to touch your face to say hello when you get close enough.  He is completely a  people person and loves all of the attention he gets when friends and family are around.  Here are a few pictures of Jack with some of the people that make him smile:

Watch out!  These two are going to be trouble!
Jack and Drew
Getting spoiled by the neighborhood kids
Marlissa and Marviasia

Love from Aunt Lori

Jack has absolutely no interest in crawling at this point.  I've tried to entice him with toys, food, kisses and cheers, but he is content to sit and play in one spot.  If I put his toys out of arm's reach, he smiles and finds something else to do - like playing with his toes or finding dirt on the floor.  I can't really complain about this and the doctor said that Jack is strong and healthy.  Here is my way of tempting him to get moving:

Reaching... but not moving!
Just in case you were wondering, Jack still sleeps with his blanket over his face!

Jack's onesie this month is from his cousins Jim, Sue, Jimmy, and Emma.  It's from the Shanghai Resort on Norris Lake.  We missed going to the lake this summer but can't wait to give it a try next year!

Weight: 22lb 14.5oz - about 80th percentile
Height: 30.5in - 95th+ percentile 
Head: 95th percentile

Beautification Award

Allow me to brag on my husband for a second:  We were given the College Hill Gardeners Beautification Award! 

 I can only take minimal credit for watering and weeding occasionally.  Jacob is really the reason were given this honor.  Last year he designed and built a beautiful rock wall in our front yard.   He filled that bed with flowers, bushes, trees, and vines to make it look wonderful.  He also replaced our sidewalk (thank you Ryan and Dad for your help on that one) and maintains a beautiful lawn.  

Congratulations Jacob!  

My mom insisted that I take a picture of Jack by the sign since he is, "The most beautiful thing you have done to your house!"  Not to take away from all of Jacob's hard work, but I'd have to agree!  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More Little People

Jack has a new variety Little People toys thanks to my Aunt Louie.  She was garage sale shopping on Saturday and came across a Mayflower Ship and an alphabet mat that Jack loves!

We put him in front of the ship on Saturday and he quickly learned how to put the Pilgrims to bed, rest them on the hammock, and how to push the buttons to make noise.

Thank you for the wonderful new toys Aunt Louie, and we hope you have a great first day back to school!

Don't even think about taking my toys away.

Hiding the animals from mommy is funny

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A visit with Kayden and Keane

Keane and Kayden then....

...and now!

Jack and I had lunch with two sweet kids and their wonderful mom yesterday.  During the three plus years before I had Jack I had the privilege to care for Kayden and Keane Pence.  I loved my time with them and it was great to catch up.

I worked in their house five days a week for over three years, and so I felt like I became an extended member of the Pence family.   I walked through a lot of life during my time with them, and the whole family was a great support for me.  I am thankful that Kayden and Keane helped to prepare me for motherhood, and appreciated the opportunity to get to know Lane and Malinda as well.  

I know that a few of our readers have met these guys, so here is an update:

Kayden is 6 1/2 and  is a fantastic reader.  She's about to start 1st grade and read fifty-two books this summer for the library's reading program!  Way to go, Kayden!  She lost two teeth this summer and was part of the Kenwood swim team.  She can even swim across the whole pool without stopping!  Last summer she was just learning to go swim underwater.  She's amazing.  

Keane is almost 5, is just as sweet as ever,  and has a face full of freckles.  He is swimming like a little fish and has even jumped off of the diving board with no swimmies!  Apparently Keane is quite the rock climber, too!  He makes it to the very top of the rock climbing walls and repels back down.  Amazing!

The Pences were kind enough to give Jack a bunch of their old toys.  He loves his blocks and Little People toys and plays with them all of the time!  Thank you!

Jack loves his Little People Toys

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

When there's not a binkie around....

Jack has decided that a Fisher Price Little People toy makes a great substitute for his binkie.  He kept this in his mouth while he was building with his blocks, and when it fell out he put it right back in and went on playing. Very resourceful, Jack.
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Stay cool, folks! It's a scorcher out there.

Jacob took Jack to the park while I was out on Saturday.
What a great way to cool down after a long walk!
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