Friday, May 25, 2012

Book worm

Jack enjoys reading books together, but doesn't often look through books independently.  Occasionally I'll catch him pulling all of his books off of his shelf and peaking through the pictures.  This is the type of mess I don't mind cleaning up -- I love it!

While I was unpacking from vacation this week (that post will come soon - I promise) Jack climbed up into his chair and started reading.  Check it out:

He also had fun rocking in the chair all by himself:

More cooking -- and sneaking samples

I know, I know.  Another cooking post.   Forgive me for a lack of originality, but I feel like we are always in the kitchen!  Jack is a fun helper and is getting better at following directions.  Here are a few more pictures of Jack cooking:

searching for a chocolate chip

He got one!

Whisking the marinade

Time with the cousins

My sister's family (minus Andy) came through Cincinnati for the Homeschool Convention last month.  Yes, last month.  I'm a bit behind, huh?

Jack quickly warmed up to all of the kids and they were so great with him.  The big kids ran right up to him and started asking him to do all of his tricks (making animal sounds, crawling, trying to walk...).  They must have been prepped before we arrived.

Lily was a bit quiet, but completely fascinated with Jack.  She sat next to him while he was still, and followed him around when he was crawling.  Every once in awhile she pointed to him and said "Jack".  She was generous with her hugs and was so great at offering toys.

It was a treat to see everyone, and Jack is so lucky to have so many cousins that love him!

More hugs - Drew is starting to warm up.

Kisses from Lily

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Rainy evening

Since the time Jack was a newborn, I've taken him outside during rain storms.  I love that we have a covered porch and that we can watch the storm roll in while keeping dry.  I also don't want him to be scared of thunder and lightening, so I was hoping that the more I exposed him to it, the more comfortable he would be in really bad weather.

Last week right before bedtime a big storm was coming through.  The three of us went outside to watch -- but Jack had other plans.  He was more interested in getting wet and crawling out into the rain.  I guess my plan worked???