Saturday, September 15, 2012

Neighborhood Shower

I love our neighbors.  Last month all of the ladies on the street gathered to celebrate the births of Audrey and Neil, a neighbor's baby that was born three days before her.  When we first moved in there were only three little girls that lived two doors down.  Now we have little Cali next door, Qwen and Kayden across the street, and Neil in the old firehouse.  It's fun to watch these families grow and we are thankful for their new friendships.

I really enjoyed my time with these ladies.  I was overwhelmed by their willingness to give up their Saturday evening to meet Audrey and Neil and celebrate these little lives.

Sweet little Cali joined us that evening and I would love to tell you a bit about her.  She was born in January with heart problems (I'd love to explain, but I honestly wouldn't do a good job).  She also swallowed a large amount of meconium during birth, damaging her lungs.  She has been through many surgeries since she was born and she's in the hospital recovering from her latest heart surgery right now.  Her mom says that she's doing better and is recovering well, but she'll probably be in the hospital for a few more weeks.  If you think about it, pray that she continues to heal and that her little heart and lungs heal perfectly.

Cali and Audrey - neighbors and future buddies


Fran, Lois, and Shirley

Mae Terpenning, our wonderful host

Mae with Julie and baby Neil

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

We've been gearing up for Jacob's 31st birthday for a few days now.  Everything takes a bit longer with two small kids, so we've been planning and preparing ways to celebrate Jacob today.

Last week Jack started making a Happy Birthday card for Jacob.  Beware:  When I said the words, "Happy Birthday!" to Jack, he ran over the the junk drawer, opened it up, stood on his tip toes, and found the lighter.  He said, "Happy Birthday" in his own little voice and mimicked blowing out a candle.  I guess it's time to put the lighter up where he can't reach it.

Don't worry, Jacob.  This isn't the final product.  I haven't spoiled any surprises!

Since Jacob loves to cook it isn't much fun to make him a special dinner for his birthday.  But it can be fun to make him interesting desserts.  He gave me a new cookbook for my birthday and so I've tried two new birthday treats for his special day:  Fruity Pebbles Cereal Milk Ice Cream, and Compost Cookies.  

All of the ingredients for compost cookies

Jack and Audrey are so lucky to have you as a daddy.  Jack loves when you come home from work and has so much fun jumping on the bed while you get ready in the afternoons.  He gets so excited to go on his special trips with you to Home Depot and really anywhere you'll take him! Audrey doesn't know it yet, but she's so amazingly loved and protected by you. What a blessing that is for a little girl!  I am so thankful for your willingness to comfort her during her fussy hour at night. It is a welcomed break for me each night! I won't embarrass you and go on and on... I'll just say that we love you and we can't wait to see you when you get home tonight.