Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Audrey's 11 months!

Wow!  Has it really been almost a month since my last post?  Sorry about that!  We recently took a family vacation to Hilton Head, and between the packing, the trip, and the unpacking, I think this got put on the back burner.

Our little girl is only one month away from being a year old! How did that happen?  Audrey's got one mighty personality.  It's fun - and a bit scary - to see it shining through these days.  I need to remember to take it one day at a time and not create worries and stresses about how this could play out when she's a teenager.

She's still a momma's girl and loves to sit on my hip all day long.  I don't typically have the ability to do this, but Audrey likes to protest and insist that I try. I guess I'll take it while I can get it, right?

We hit a major milestone on Sunday:  She didn't cry in the nursery at church!  Not once!  I'm so thankful that the kind nursery workers have loved on her these past few months.  She has put a few through the wringer....

Audrey's not crawling quite yet, but has started to scoot across the floor and can also push herself backwards when lying on her belly.  She also loves to sit n spin just like Jack.  I finally caught it on tape:

Occasionally Audrey gets stuck when she's trying to get around.  It's a good thing she has such a helpful big brother:

She's close to figuring this out:

She still to love to play peek-a-boo!

Last week Jack was kind enough to share his ice cream (without even being asked, I might add!).  She loved every bite!

She loves being as independent as possible and enjoys her straw cup and trying to use a spoon.  So far, so good:

Audrey's two lower teeth are almost all of the way in, and she's got four upper teeth just waiting to pop through.  Check out this girl's big smile:

Audrey carries her blankie with her at all times.  She loves it! She also loves her baby dolls, but I don't seem to have a picture of her holding one.  She lights up when she sees a doll and says, 'ba-be"

We recently were at a friend's house for dinner, and they got out their blow-up house.  After all of the big kids had gotten through, Audrey took a shot and sat on the edge.  She loved it.  And she loved it even more when her friend Cara took a seat beside her.  

We took a walk to the coffee shop right before vacation.  Here's the treat that the kids got for breakfast:

I'm thankful that these two seem to like each other.  I'm glad that they're so close in age and that they'll have the chance to experience life together.  

11 months