Monday, January 31, 2011

Monthly pictures

Everyone told me that the time will fly by.  It certainly has.  At times it feels like Jack has been around forever and I can't remember how we ever lived life without this joy! He just fits into our family so well.  He has been learning what it is like to be a Samad.   He sits on the counter in his bouncy seat while his daddy cooks in the kitchen.  He has a sat quietly on my lap while I attend Bible study and Thursday Morning Moms.  He loves Sunday night dinners with the family, and enjoys visiting his Grandpa Troescher at Kroger.  Like I said, he just fits.


Here are pictures of Jack at one and two months.  Notice the cool onesies.  The first one came from Aunt Christy and says "Made in Ohio"  The second was made by a great friend.  She embroidered an elephant and his name on the front.  Stay tuned to see which cool onesie he will be wearing next!

He certainly has grown quickly.  Jack's stats at his two month appointment were:
height:  24 1/2 in (90th percentile)
weight:  13lb 2.5 oz (82nd percentile)

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