At every visit our pediatrician gives me milestones to be looking for in the upcoming months. I love these conversations with Dr. Bird. He not only tells me what should be happening next but explains why. I listen and ask questions, absorbing every bit. But it never fails that by the time I get home the information is completely muddled. I share bits and pieces with Jacob and he asks great questions too. I just can't answer them. Maybe next month I should take notes... or a tape recorder!
At our two month appointment Dr. Bird mentioned that Jack would soon be passing toys back and forth between each hand. Apparently before about four months a baby's brain is incapable of doing this. (This is where my ability to recite the medical explanation ends.)
In the past few weeks I have noticed Jack making small strides to reach this milestone. He started using both hands at once and controlled two toys at a time.
Yesterday I noticed that he had moved a toy from his right hand to his left. He's getting it! I think he is having more fun playing on his gym mat and in his bouncy seat now. Doesn't he look like he is conducting an orchestra in this picture?
It is amazing to watch these changes and see how much he is learning everyday. I can't believe he is getting so big so quickly. Check out the picture below. He is really staring to hold his head up on his own. It must be all of that tummy time!
He's so adorable and getting big! I love watching Olivia learn every new thing. Every little milestone is so amazing. Glad you're enjoying all the new things Jack does!
You know I love the Adidas outfit!
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