Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ok! Here are some pictures of the baby.

Within five minutes of my last blog I received two emails asking why I didn't post pictures of Jack. Ok, I get it. He is what drives the traffic. Who cares about the garden anyways?

Our first spring walk in the Moby wrap.  

Is he outgrowing the tub?
Future piano player?

No, you can't eat the piano.  

Chewing on everything 
Trying to roll over

Newest trick - Sucking his thumb!
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Joanne said...

Now you're talkin'!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! I am glad you understand how these things work!

If I can't see him during the day I can at least see his picture. grandma troescher

Jodi said...

He looks so good! How do you like the moby wrap?

Amy Samad said...

I like the wrap. I figured out how to use it without an extra set of hands, so I can use it more often now. I think it will be nice to use now that he is bigger.

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