Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A great way to start the day

Mara with a mouthful
I got a phone call this morning from one of my favorite people in the world.  My (nearly) five year old niece Mara called to inform me that Chick-fil-a was giving away free breakfast sandwiches every Tuesday in June.  Well, I think that is what she was trying to say.  It took a few tries and for a while I thought that she was letting me know that she was giving away free sandwiches every Tuesday in June.  Maybe a community service project?

Well, after all of that was (kind of) straightened out, Mara proceeded to let me know that she wasn't sure what I should get her for her upcoming birthday.  All of the good presents were taken, you see.  Grandpa is giving her a puzzle, Aunt Marcia is getting roller skates, and Aunt Louie had a great gift chosen already, too.  That problem was solved quickly when she thought of a great idea -- a dress up costume.  Perfect!  Whew!

The best part about our conversation is that she spoke to me as an adult would.  When she asked what I was doing, I explained that I  was watering our garden.  She politely asked me what we had planted, then told me all about their garden.  She rattled off every different plant that they were growing, and I was impressed that she remembered everything, since the list was quite extensive.  She never even paused to think about the tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, squash....!  She even gave me directions on how to get to the community garden from their house.

Next, she asked about Jack.  Actually, her exact words might have been, "So, what is that Jack up to right now?"  When I explained  that he learned to sit up, she responded with as much excitement and enthusiasm as we had when we saw him do it for the first time.

After telling me more about Aunt Carly (she is sleeping on a blow-up mattress that isn't very comfortable) and Grandma Bubbles (she already left on an air plane), and Drew (he loves his jumperoo and "Does Jack have one?"), and Titus (he is reading Exodus right now), she told me, "OK, I'll talk to you later.  Thanks for talking."  That was it.  She had talked enough, and it was time to move on.

I hope that she continues to call me every once in a while.  It was a great way to start my day.  But now I need to figure something out -- Did I miss the free sandwich?

Mara, only 13 more days until your birthday!  I'm looking forward to celebrating with you in only 11 days!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the conversation as much as Mara did:) She loved reading the post too-she felt very special.
I think I heard her ask you about Jack's sunburn too-everytime she tells someone about Andy's graduation, she mentions that her baby cousin Jack got a sunburn.
And just so you know, Chick-fil-a has free chicken mini's every tuesday in June for breakfast-at least in Louisville:)

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