Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jack is 8(1/2) months!

Jack is 8 1/2 months old today.  I've been behind in blogging so I'll give you what you want -- lots of pictures!

Jack's new smile - with a scrunched up nose

My brother Ryan, and his wife Brittany watched Jack a few weeks back.  Ryan brought his camera along and we came home to find quite a few great pictures of Jack.  I won't post all of them, but you are welcome to check them out here.

For most of the last month it has been difficult to capture a picture of Jack without his tongue sticking out.

Jack still loves to eat and really enjoys being able to feed himself.  Jacob noticed that when Jack eats he picks the food up with his right hand then transfers it into his left.  I don't know why he throws in this extra step!  He eats a variety of finger foods and I squeeze in some pureed fruits and veggies when I can.  Thank you to all of you who responded to my request for food ideas.  With your advice and the suggestions from friends and websites, Jack now has a long list of finger foods to enjoy.   Here are a few of the things he has tried this month:


  • shelled edamame
  • frozen peas
  • graham crackers
  • goldfish crackers
  • cherries
  • pasta
  • homemade sweet potato 'fries'
  • brown rice
  • banana pancake coins
  • raisin bread (who can pass up the Shadeau Bread stand at the Farmer's Market?)
  • Chicken Tikka Masala  and naan - 
My taste tester

I think the banana pancakes were a success!

And, in case you were wondering, Jack loved the Spinach and white yams and Moroccan-ish carrots  I mentioned in a previous post.

Here is Jack's 8 month picture in the big red chair.
Look at those cheeks!

I found this onesie on Etsy and couldn't pass it up!  Jack is was no doubt, Worth the Wait.  He is brings an incredible amount of joy into our lives and his smile lights up a room.  I feel incredibly blessed to have such a happy baby and I promise I don't take that for granted.

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