Friday, August 19, 2011

Jack's first allergy is....

...ham?  I know it sounds odd, but this is what happened immediately after Jack tasted his first piece of deli ham.

I was explaining this reaction to the doctor yesterday and described how Jack immediately began scratching his throat while he was eating.  After showing him this picture he confirmed that this was hives and that Jack should be tested for a pork allergy.  I'm happy to report that the reaction faded quickly after dinner and that he is doing just fine.  I'll be taking Jack in for an allergy test next week and I'll keep you posted with the results.

Does anyone in the family have food allergies?


Anonymous said...

What amazes me most is how adorable he still looks even with the hives. Jack, you certainly are a very content child. Love, grandma T.

Bran said...

Oh, my poor little man. I'm sorry, Amy. I bet that was really scary and awful. :( Hope he is doing better.

Jodi said...

Poor buddy:( We don't have food allergies-only antiobiotic allergies which are no fun either. Wonder if it had anything to do with all of the salt?? Will he get a special treat after his pricks???

Joyce said...

Oh yes--family allergies!!! I am allgeric to peanuts, potatoes and anything containing bakers yeast--that includes diet Coke. Slight reaction to a large amount of strawberries.

Just keep me on speed dial like Jodi did for ANY allergy question or concern. 35 years later and still on allgery shots.

On a serious note, Grandma, myself and some of Jodi's kids have problems with antibiotics--Grandma and I specifically to penicillin.

Blame the Herzog's for this one not the Troeschers.

Love, Louie

Jodi said...

You know, on the allergy note....Drew has something similar all over is head and neck-and belly. It is like a covering on his head. I'm thinking it maybe was blueberries??? Or maybe detergent switch. Either way, it's sad

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