Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011: Beware - Lots of pictures!

Gearing up for the big day with a poster from Grandpa Troescher

This weekend we tried to carve Jack's first pumpkin.  However, when we cut into it we quickly realized that we had a really thick pumpkin, and it wasn't worth the time to cut it.  Sorry, Jack.  Your parents got lazy.  The carving didn't work out, but cleaning out the insides was a lot of fun for Jack.  

Jack's first pumpkin

Cleaning out the pumpkin


Pumpkin on the ear
 Jack's first Halloween was filled with friends, family, treats, and a whole lot of fun!  We started the day with a party with his friends, then after a really good nap we headed over to his Nana's house for our traditional chili dinner.

Halloween Party 2011 

We took Jack to a few houses in the neighborhood, but he mostly stuck around the house to hand out candy.  He was so happy to see all of the people and kicked his feet the whole time we were out trick-or-treating.

Aunt Christy's helper
Nana and the gorilla

Jack with his grandmas

Jack with his grandpa

Nana and Carl

Even Aunt Louie stopped by!

Joe and Aunt Christy

Check out this line!  


Joyce said...

That was really fun. Jack's costume was adorable! I still can't believe Aunt Christy caught me Trick or Treating--I still should have gotten the Butterfinger. Thanks for the fun!

Love, Aunt Louie

Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures of him in his gorilla costume and the one of the kids at Susan's....
But what was the line for? your house for candy??
In in the first picture, I claim the reeses he won't eat, because I know it will go in your jar in the kitchen and rot..... we cannot have good things like that go to waste!!

Amy Samad said...

Corrie - you make me laugh. Resses are gone... and I didn't throw them away. You're right. I'm wasteful when it comes to candy.
And yes, the line is people waiting for candy. Crazy, right? I hope your kids had a fun Halloween!

Jodi said...

So, it must be our home computer. We're in L'ville at a conference using a laptop. Love the gorilla-banana makes it! And nice dew Jack. You look like such a big guy!

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