Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Send It

Jack has recently taken a new interest in books.  Finally.  We read together many times throughout the day, we've gone to story times at the library, we take trips to the book store,  I've tried to get him to play independently with his basket of books to no avail.  The few times I've seen him pick up a book, it's been to sneak it to the stairs to slide under the gate.

Well, in the past few weeks things have changed a bit.  I've found him scooting over to his basket to browse through the books and every once in a while he even chooses a book, signs 'please', and hands it to me to read. I absolutely love this and can't turn him down.

He's also entered the stage in which he wants to read the same book over and over.  As soon as we finish a book, he signs 'please', turns the pages back to the beginning, and waits for you to read the story again....and again.

Today we read (and reread) We're Going on a Bear Hunt, The Very Busy Spider, The Happy Man and His Dump Truck, and his absolute favorite, Send It.  I don't know what is so special about this little board book, but we've probably read it at least 15 times a day recently.  Just ask Carl.  He had the privilege of reading it to Jack over and over on Sunday night.

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