Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A boy and his bike

Jack loves to ride his bike!  He's just started to figure out how to make it move forwards and backwards, but isn't quite sure how to steer yet.  When he runs into a chair or the wall, the bike turns and he goes in that new direction.  He's content with that -- for now!

Backin' up -- Beep Beep!

Last month we had it outside a lot and he rolled down the front sidewalk:

Lately he's been driving around the kitchen while I cook.  He goes from drawer to drawer and opens every cabinet that he can reach. I guess he's at a new height on the bike and can reach things he wasn't able to before!  He creates messes all over the kitchen:  ugh!  But, he's having a good time and it keeps him busy while I'm cooking.  

He also likes to tow around his toys:


Joyce said...


It is so fun watching you explore! It is OK to make messes. Love, grandma Troescher

Jodi said...

Nice bike, Jack! We got a new computer which means we can tell you how much fun your pictures are now!
Love the Koesters cousins!

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