Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tomorrow's the big day!

Tomorrow is the big day.  We're heading to Christ Hospital at 9:00am to be induced!  Dr. Grim offered on Tuesday, and I quickly jumped on the chance.  I learned my lesson with Jack and decided to be induced the first time the doctor offered.  With Jack we waited that whole extra week, hoping something would progress naturally.  

Today Jack and I made cupcakes to celebrate the baby's birthday.  He loves to sing Happy Birthday, and I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate when he comes to the hospital to meet the baby for the first time. 

We're really excited for tomorrow and can't wait to meet this little one.  We've got our girl name picked out, but as of tonight we're wavering on our boy name.  According to every stranger on the street this is a girl, so we shouldn't have to worry about our boy name!

We'll do our best to keep you posted with pictures and updates about the baby once he or she arrives.  Thanks for those of you who have been praying for us and for those helping out this weekend!  

1 comment:

Jodi said...

We've always loved the birthday party at the hospital! Something about lots of chocolate after giving birth is so nice:) Hoping baby is here soon!

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