Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Gifts for Audrey

Today Jack helped me to reassemble our baby swing.  He was surprisingly helpful and loved playing with it once it was completed.  He has already figured out how to start the music and can adjust the volume on his own.

Here are two pictures of Audrey enjoying her swing.  The pine cone and apple are gifts from Jack.  I'm just thankful he knew to leave them on the tray and not her face.


Joanne said...

Audrey is blessed to have such a kind big brother to look after her...what good friends they will be. Love, Nana

Joanne said...

Audrey is blessed to have such a kind big brother to look after her...what good friends they will be. Love, Nana

Joyce said...

Jack, That was so nice of you to share! Love, grandma Troescher

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