Monday, October 29, 2012


While we were cheering on runners at the College Hill Rhythm Race, Jack saw a little girl doing cartwheels.  Here is his attempt:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


We're doing well here at the Samad household.  Life is busy, as usual, but we're going with the flow and trying to squeeze it all in.  We're enjoying this wonderful fall weather and have been outside on walks and you can often find us playing in the dirt.

Audrey is full of coos and has found her hands and feet.  While she can't quite touch her feet yet, she loves to kick and watch them move.  More on Audrey in her 3 month update coming soon.

Jack has found a new love of dirt, puddles, rocks, leaves, and pretty much anything you can find in nature.  That's why it took us 45 minutes to walk around the block yesterday.  We came home with three small bits of concrete to put in his dump trucks.  I'm so thankful for this weather and the chance we have to get out and enjoy the beauty of fall! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gift for Audrey

I feel like this blog post deserves so much more than the simple words I can write for you.  But I have been attempting to write about Susan and this quilt for 20 minutes and just can't string together my words.

So why don't you just check out this picture:

Isn't it beautiful?  Susan, thank you for taking the time to make such a beautiful and thoughtful gift for Audrey.    I am honored to have one of your wonderful quilts for each of my kids!  

Audrey: 8 weeks old

Ok, so Audrey is actually 10 weeks old.  I'm behind...again.  And I don't think I ever did a 4 week post.  But did you really think I was going to be good at updating this blog with a newborn?  So here is a quick update:

6 weeks
Wearing Jack's Made in Ohio onesie from Aunt Christy

8 weeks
Wearing her 'Audrey' onesie from Susan Pagliaro

Audrey had a good report during her 8 week check-up.  She was all smiles and put on a good show for the doctor and nurses.  She did not like her shots.  But who does?  Here are her stats:

Weight:  10lb 2oz
Height: 23 inches
Head circumference: 38 1/2cm

I know you're not supposed to compare your children, but I had to look back on Jack's size at this age.  He was always so big, and people frequently comment on how small Audrey looks.  Jack weighed over 13 lbs at 8 weeks.  I was shocked by the huge difference already! 

Audrey is now sleeping from 10-7!!! We celebrated last night with her first overnight at Nana's house.  I don't remember when Jack spent the night out, but it was definitely not this early!  Way to go, Audrey!