Saturday, October 6, 2012

Audrey: 8 weeks old

Ok, so Audrey is actually 10 weeks old.  I'm behind...again.  And I don't think I ever did a 4 week post.  But did you really think I was going to be good at updating this blog with a newborn?  So here is a quick update:

6 weeks
Wearing Jack's Made in Ohio onesie from Aunt Christy

8 weeks
Wearing her 'Audrey' onesie from Susan Pagliaro

Audrey had a good report during her 8 week check-up.  She was all smiles and put on a good show for the doctor and nurses.  She did not like her shots.  But who does?  Here are her stats:

Weight:  10lb 2oz
Height: 23 inches
Head circumference: 38 1/2cm

I know you're not supposed to compare your children, but I had to look back on Jack's size at this age.  He was always so big, and people frequently comment on how small Audrey looks.  Jack weighed over 13 lbs at 8 weeks.  I was shocked by the huge difference already! 

Audrey is now sleeping from 10-7!!! We celebrated last night with her first overnight at Nana's house.  I don't remember when Jack spent the night out, but it was definitely not this early!  Way to go, Audrey!

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