Audrey turned 3 months on the 26th. It was difficult to capture a picture of her this month. She was wiggling and moving, trying to sit up. And every time she tried to sit up, she would fall forward or to the side. I have a lot of out takes! This is completely different than Jack, who sat still and made minimal attempts to move (hence the lack of walking independently until 19 months).
Audrey seems to be going through a growth spurt and her cheeks and thighs are filling in! She is full of smiles and loves to talk to us. She doesn't like tummy time very much... or at all. But apparently she doesn't mind doing it when I'm not home. Jacob was watching her last week and she didn't cry at all and rolled over -- something she hasn't done for me since she was a few days old!
Occasionally she enjoys sitting up in her Bumbo. But, since we don't do much tummy time, she has a difficult time keeping her head up.
She's full of funny faces and makes me smile all day long!
Audrey, you make me laugh. Love grandma Troescher
I think she's looking a lot like her brother:)
Also, my kids never seemed to fuss when I was away either and Andy was in charge. Wonder if it has something to do with how much dads hear compared to moms? I'm serious:)
love jack and audrey!! and I love all these posts-- keep them coming :)
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