Saturday, October 19, 2013

Audrey's first trim

Audrey had her first haircut over a month ago, and I never got the chance to share the before and after pictures. 

I took my chances and cut her hair by myself... something I probably won't be doing again.  The one thing I was told when I was researching how to cut a little girl's hair was DO NOT CUT HER SIDEBURNS. I was told that if I cut them she would end up looking like a boy. Ok, easy enough, right?  

After cutting the rest of her hair I felt like something was missing... like messy sideburns.  Just a small trim wouldn't be a big deal, right?  Well, my intentions to just even them out failed and I whacked them off.  They were short.  Really short.  Like little boy short. Ugh.

So after a  month, I feel like her hair is getting close to normal again.  And I've learned my lesson.  My daughter deserves a professional haircut.  Or at least deserves for me NOT to be the one to cut it. 



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