Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Halloween 2013 (and 1984)

Here's a few pictures from our pumpkin carving this Halloween.  The kids liked their Ernie pumpkin, although I failed to take a picture, apparently.

We had a fun Halloween party with friends the week prior to Halloween.  This is the third time Susan and Jackson have hosted and it's been fun every year.  


On Halloween we planned on meeting up with Aunt Christy on Fountain Square.  It turned out to be a rainy day, so we grabbed lunch with Daddy.  We thought that there was a break in the rain, so we ran over to the Square after lunch.  We missed Aunt Christy and ended up in the rain.  But the kids had fun!  


Jack got to wear the same costume that Jacob wore when he was little.  Grandma Mink made this cat costume in 1984!  When we were trying to figure out what Jack would wear this year, Jack was pulling for Nemo.  But when Nana showed him this costume, he was sold.  He fell in love with the tail and was so excited to wear his Daddy's old costume. Here's a look back:

2013 and 1984

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