Monday, February 28, 2011

Jack's Baptism

Jack was baptized yesterday in front of our family and friends at New City Presbyterian Church. It was an exciting morning for our family.
We believe that his baptism welcomed Jack into God's covenant community. We pray that some day he will have a saving knowledge of our Lord and we promised yesterday to teach him the truths of the Bible, pray for him, and to be models for him of the Christian faith.

Our pastor Josh Reitano baptizing Jack

We were blessed to have surprise visitors from our former church, ECC. Chip, Gay, and Hannah Wagner, Helen Sander, and Joyce Tedford all showed up. I was shocked to see them there! They have been such amazing friends to our family. I was honored to have them be a part of our day. It was so nice to have wonderful friends -- new and old -- there to celebrate Jack.  Koesters Family:  You were missed, but we are so thankful that Drew is out of the hospital and on his way to full health!

After the service we all headed back to our house for some fun food and time together.  What would a true Samad party be without Ron's Roost?
Aunt Brittany and a very tired Jack

Aunt Christy and 'Aunt' Jenny (I think you deserve that title, don't you?)

The proud grandparents

Our little family

Thank you to everyone who was there to witness the baptism and celebrate.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pho Lang Thang

Findlay Market used to be a Saturday morning ritual in our house.   We would sleep until we felt like waking,  talk about what we wanted to make for dinner, and then head down with a list in hand. After shopping we would find a place to eat and enjoy a long lunch.

Well, with the cold weather and a new baby, I haven't made it down there since Jack was born.  We are excited to get back to our normal Saturdays (minus the sleeping in) and experience all that the market has to offer.  I think Jack is going to love the sights, sounds, and smells of the market and hopefully he will enjoy his Saturday mornings as much as we do.
Tonight we made Jack's inaugural trip to the market and scouted out a new place to grab lunch.  Technically the market was closed, but it was just fun to be back.  Pho Lang Thang is a Vietnamese restaurant that opened in November.  Jacob discovered it today while shopping and picked up a sandwich for lunch.  He knew that I would enjoy the food (and neither of us really felt like cooking), so we packed up Jack and enjoyed a great dinner.
Jacob had Pho Bo which is a rice noodle soup.  I tried Bun Thit Nuung, a noodle dish with beef, cilantro, carrots, cucumber, and lettuce.  It was delicious.  Jack enjoyed a bottle and loved the art hanging from the ceiling.  
So, we are figuring out what life will be like with a baby.  It might take us three months to get  to the market -- but we made it.  We were home from dinner by 7:45 -- but at least we got out.   Oh, and we even managed to snap a picture of Jack and me together.  It looks like we are figuring things out!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A new view

Jack hanging out with his daddy.

I'm pretty sure he likes the bumbo

Monday, February 21, 2011

First visit to RKPT

Last week we visited Jacob at work.  We were able to introduce Jack to everyone in the office and snap a few pictures before we grabbed lunch.   I completely forgot my camera, so the pictures were taken with my phone.  I am bummed about the quality - but you get the point!
Jack did great.  He smiled at everyone, stayed quiet in the office, and even slept through our trip to Skyline.  Thanks Jack! 

Multitasking - Doesn't Jack look thrilled?
Tight security

Jacob works at Robbins Kelly Patterson & Tucker which is in the Macy's building.  Macy's is headquartered in Cincinnati and they are very serious about security.  When I visit I have to be registered, show an ID, and then they call the firm to let them know I have arrived.  Apparently they feel the need to do the same for a 3 month old!  Of course we saved the label for his baby book.  I was surprised they let us take it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Three Months

Jack turned three months old on Saturday and it's been an exciting month of growth and changes. I am guessing he is getting close to 16lbs and he's completely in 6 month clothes now. His car seat feels like it's getting heavier everyday.  Just look at the pictures to see his chubby cheeks and big belly!

He loves his gym mat - particularly the mirror
I prayed a lot for Jack while I was pregnant, and one of my most repeated prayers was that our baby would be joyful.  I think that my prayer was answered.  He smiles at anyone that takes the time to look at him and grins each time we walk into the room.  He knows our faces and voices and follows us with his eyes as we walk around.   I continue to pray that this joy permeates his life and that it will bring happiness to the people around him.

Tummy Time

Thank you Uncle Karl and Aunt Erika for the fun t-shirt shown below!  The caption reads "My turn" and shows an elephant sitting on a swing while a mouse stands by watching.  Honestly, I don't get it.  When I opened the gift I thought I missed the joke.  They also gave Jack a t-shirt that shows a happy cloud with a rainbow mustache riding a bicycle.  Huh?  Am I just not cool enough to understand the humor?  Well, the great thing about friends like Karl and Erika is that they will keep Jack cool even when his parents are completely clueless.  Karl has a clever sense of humor that keeps you on your toes and Erika has been a kind friend and wonderful aunt to Jack. We love the Dollards!  Check out this website for other unique t-shirts for kids and adults!  


For my own records:  Jack is now sleeping without a swaddle.  I knew we had to take it away at some point so we went cold turkey on Friday night.  He slept soundly and didn't move around the bed as he had been doing when bundled tightly all night.  I think he must have been trying to escape!

Jack is holding tightly to anything that comes close to his hands -- my hair seems to be a favorite.  I have been covering him a fleece blanket while he naps during the day.  He is learning that this blanket signals bedtime and quickly quiets down as soon as it is in his hand.  I hope this helps him to sleep well when he's not his own crib.  Grandparents, this was for you.  I know you are dying to have an overnight visitor and this is step one to getting him to be a great sleeper anywhere!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mall walkers

It's been a long cold winter here in Cincinnati.  I'm ready for spring and the warmer weather it will bring.  A rise in the temperature means trips to the park, zoo, and long walks around the neighborhood.  Until then, I've had to become creative with the ways I get my exercise.  I am now a mall walker. 

Yesterday Jack and I took a trip to Kenwood Mall to meet up with our good friends Francesca and Matteo.  The goal was to burn a few calories and to catch up on life.  We did a bit of both and had a great time. 

Jack was actually awake while we walked and hung out in the Baby Bjorn.  It was perfect for a little guy who likes to know what is going on around him.  He stared at Francesca while we walked and took everything in as we went around the busy mall.

Oh, and I have discovered that mall walking is an activity that should be taken seriously. It is it's own world that I knew nothing about!  I arrived at the mall at about 9:45 and expected to be one of only a few people there.  I was shocked to see so many people walking with i-pods, strollers, and weights.  These people are serious.  They don't cut any corners, they walk down every hallway and back, and they walk with determination.   I think I might have to do this more often. 

The best part of our trip was getting to sit down and catch up over lunch.  Matteo's birthday is November 11, which makes him one year and one day older than Jack.  He's a fun glimpse into what our lives will be a year from now.  Francesca and her husband Matt are wonderful parents and Jacob and I have learned a lot from them.  Having friends that walk a few steps ahead of you is a huge blessing -- and I will take all of the advice that I can get!  Nana Samad  joined us for lunch which was an added bonus.  Jack was sound asleep at that point, but I enjoyed her company!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Whoopie Pies

If you have ever been to our house for dinner you would know that Jacob cooks and I bake. I love that I have a husband who is willing to try new recipes and techniques in the kitchen. Lately he has been perfecting stir-fry with his new wok. Yum. We eat well every night and I think we make a pretty good team!

While I love to bake, I tend to stick to my favorite recipes and not branch out too often. In fact, if I think about my favorite recipes the ideas have all come from other people:

The best part of baking
Brownies - my sister Jodi
Chewy cookies - Jacob
Apple Torte and Pound Cake - Mom Samad
Pumpkin Muffins - Becky Verhagen

Well, this recipe is no different. Jacob sent this link to me a few months ago and I have tested it out three times now. I think I have it down. I've had some helpers along the way and have received some great critiques from my nephew Sam's sharp palate!

Note from Sam - kids don't like the sea salt in the filling.
Note from Me - Adults do! (actually, Mara and Titus didn't seem to mind it either)

These Whoopie Pies are a light chocolate cake with peanut butter filling. The sea salt mentioned above cuts back on the richness and makes it an adult-friendly dessert. The cakes come out perfect with no adjustment to the recipe. It takes a bit of time to work through each step but it is worth it!

Click here for the  link to the recipe. I hope you enjoy.  If you have any favorite recipes please share!
Baker in training  (he seems to prefer staring at the lights)
My taste testers:  Titus, Sam, and Mara

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Friday, February 4, 2011


This week our seed packets arrived for our summer gardens. We have had fun dreaming about the warmer weather and making plans for all of our flowers and vegetables.
Jack has been doing a bit of research on his own. He is learning about Growing Vegetable Soup. We are planting most of the vegetables that are written about in this great book by Lois Ehlert. We have visions of Jack playing on a blanket in the backyard while we toil in the garden this summer. Hopefully in 2012 he will be interested in helping us dig, plant, water, harvest and cook our vegetables. Until then, he is just like his daddy. He is planning, researching, and learning all he can before we take on this project.

In the past we have procrastinated and purchased seeds at the last minute at Home Depot. This year we ordered everything we wanted as soon as the seed catalogs arrived last month. We are hoping that the extra planning helps us to have a fruitful harvest this summer. I am pretty sure that I will be more excited to get out there every day this year since I won't have a big belly in my way!
For those who are interested, these are the seeds that we ordered:

Vegetable garden: Tomato, yellow squash, zucchini, red pepper, green pepper, pickling cucumber, carrot, peas, parsnips, Asian greens (toy choi + baby pakchoi) green bean, and yellow bush bean.

Cutting garden: Echinacea, sunflower, snapdragon(2varieties), salvia, zinnias(2 varieties), lavatera, larkspur, cosmos, coneflower, and agastache.

I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Oh, and Pinetree Garden Seeds accidentally sent us corn seeds too.  If we can find the space we are going to plant it.  It could be kind of fun!

I'll let you know how the garden grows. And I'm sure we will be posting pictures of Jack eating the vegetables!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bath Time!

Jack loves to take a bath. While in the tub he smiles, kicks his legs, and splashes with his hands. When I pour the water over his head, his eyes get big and his mouth turns into a huge smile. He coos and giggles while I wash him up, too! It is fun to watch and makes it easy for me to bathe him.

The picture above is Jack after his bath today. Look at those cheeks! And yes, the chubbiness is all over his body! He has officially moved into 6 month clothes. Does that mean he isn't a newborn anymore?

Below are two pictures from his first real bath.   These were taken on November 26 when he was just two weeks old.   It is amazing how quickly he has grown.

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