Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mall walkers

It's been a long cold winter here in Cincinnati.  I'm ready for spring and the warmer weather it will bring.  A rise in the temperature means trips to the park, zoo, and long walks around the neighborhood.  Until then, I've had to become creative with the ways I get my exercise.  I am now a mall walker. 

Yesterday Jack and I took a trip to Kenwood Mall to meet up with our good friends Francesca and Matteo.  The goal was to burn a few calories and to catch up on life.  We did a bit of both and had a great time. 

Jack was actually awake while we walked and hung out in the Baby Bjorn.  It was perfect for a little guy who likes to know what is going on around him.  He stared at Francesca while we walked and took everything in as we went around the busy mall.

Oh, and I have discovered that mall walking is an activity that should be taken seriously. It is it's own world that I knew nothing about!  I arrived at the mall at about 9:45 and expected to be one of only a few people there.  I was shocked to see so many people walking with i-pods, strollers, and weights.  These people are serious.  They don't cut any corners, they walk down every hallway and back, and they walk with determination.   I think I might have to do this more often. 

The best part of our trip was getting to sit down and catch up over lunch.  Matteo's birthday is November 11, which makes him one year and one day older than Jack.  He's a fun glimpse into what our lives will be a year from now.  Francesca and her husband Matt are wonderful parents and Jacob and I have learned a lot from them.  Having friends that walk a few steps ahead of you is a huge blessing -- and I will take all of the advice that I can get!  Nana Samad  joined us for lunch which was an added bonus.  Jack was sound asleep at that point, but I enjoyed her company!


Matt and Francesca Jensen said...

You're too sweet! We had a great time visiting with you guys, but I was so upset after we left that I never got my camera out of the diaper bag. Just gives us an excuse to meet up again...sooner than later!

Kristin said...

I should become a mall walker. I NEVER go to the mall...I've been twice with E since she was born. I'm more of a Target walker. ;)

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