Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pho Lang Thang

Findlay Market used to be a Saturday morning ritual in our house.   We would sleep until we felt like waking,  talk about what we wanted to make for dinner, and then head down with a list in hand. After shopping we would find a place to eat and enjoy a long lunch.

Well, with the cold weather and a new baby, I haven't made it down there since Jack was born.  We are excited to get back to our normal Saturdays (minus the sleeping in) and experience all that the market has to offer.  I think Jack is going to love the sights, sounds, and smells of the market and hopefully he will enjoy his Saturday mornings as much as we do.
Tonight we made Jack's inaugural trip to the market and scouted out a new place to grab lunch.  Technically the market was closed, but it was just fun to be back.  Pho Lang Thang is a Vietnamese restaurant that opened in November.  Jacob discovered it today while shopping and picked up a sandwich for lunch.  He knew that I would enjoy the food (and neither of us really felt like cooking), so we packed up Jack and enjoyed a great dinner.
Jacob had Pho Bo which is a rice noodle soup.  I tried Bun Thit Nuung, a noodle dish with beef, cilantro, carrots, cucumber, and lettuce.  It was delicious.  Jack enjoyed a bottle and loved the art hanging from the ceiling.  
So, we are figuring out what life will be like with a baby.  It might take us three months to get  to the market -- but we made it.  We were home from dinner by 7:45 -- but at least we got out.   Oh, and we even managed to snap a picture of Jack and me together.  It looks like we are figuring things out!

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