Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jack's first haircut

Jacob and I took Jack to get his first haircut this weekend.  He did a great job and smiled nearly the whole time we were there.  In case you were wondering if he really needed a haircut before his first birthday, check out this picture of him at U.C.'s homecoming with his Aunt Christy:

We took Jack to Avanti Hair Salon, which is where Jacob has been getting is hair cut recently.  Of course our camera died half way through the haircut, but we did get a few shots.  

Here's Jack anticipating what was about to happen:


Smiling at Brooke

Here's a picture of the final product:  

What is it with the tongue, Jack?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Perfect Day for a walk

Jack and Jeremiah

Jack and I had the chance to go on a walk on Tuesday with Erin and Jeremiah Lyons.  It was a beautiful day and Erin kept just the perfect pace for me.  The boys even seemed to have a good time watching each other from their strollers.
Watch out, Erin.  I think you have a new walking buddy.  Thanks for the great conversation and for pushing me to walk so quickly!  

Jack's got mail

Most days when I check our mailbox I find nothing more than catalogs, political flyers, bills, and junk.  Knowing that, you would think that I would not get so excited each time I see the mailman walk onto our porch. But for some reason, the occasional thank you note, encouraging card, or magazine that I find fuels my desire to run to the mailbox everyday.  

There's just something about mail that makes me happy.  In fact, when I was scheduled to be induced with Jack on 11/11 (Veteran's Day), I was bummed at the thought that he would never receive a card in the mail on his birthday.  I was so thankful that he was born early the next morning.  

As I'm writing this I am realizing that I should probably send more encouraging cards and thoughtful notes.... but that's off topic.  This blog is about the mail we receive at our house.  And we got some great mail last week.  Actually, Jack got the fun mail.  He received a card from his buddy, Jackson.  Jack had so much fun helping me open the card.  He played with it for about ten minutes and still smiles when he sees it hanging on the fridge.  I grabbed the camera to record the event.  And yes, it was an event.  He didn't want to put the card down.  He must have known how special it is to get something in the mail.  

Here's a few pictures of Jack opening his mail:

Check out that tongue - he's so excited!

Inspecting the card

It's important to taste the card, too.

Jackson came over to our house a few weeks ago and I snapped this picture of the boys after their naps.  When they woke up both boys were happy to sit on the couch with their sippy cups and stare out the door.  Naps are tough sometimes!

Monday Night Girlfriends

This past weekend I took a 36-hour getaway with six wonderful girlfriends.  I've know some of these girls my whole life, and the friendships go deep.  The purpose of the trip was to simply spend quality time with each other and to catch up on our friendships.  Evansville, Indiana is not the most exciting city, but it was perfect for us.  We spent all of our time talking, sharing, laughing, and eating (a lot).  I love that I  walked away refreshed and energized, and so ready to share that excitement with my family.

Thank you for the wonderful weekend, girls!

Betsy, Beth, Corrie, me, Calley, Kris and Susan

Jacob gave me the wonderful gift of caring for Jack all weekend.  He not only kept Jack entertained and safe, but he welcomed me home with a clean house, a fantastic dinner, homemade apple pie, and a smile!  What a wonderful husband I have!  Thank you for loving me in this way, Jacob.

Bottle caps from Guys Weekend 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jack makes a mess

I had to take a picture of Jack's path of destruction yesterday.  I put him on the floor with one basket of toys next to him.  In about fifteen minutes, this is what he was able to accomplish.  He might not be able to crawl, but it looks like he has no problem getting into what he wants.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Jack's great at keeping himself busy while we are cooking dinner.  Here he is playing peek-a-boo from behind the cabinet:

If you look closely you can see his tooth!

Happy Kid

Jacob and his guitar

Jacob and I first formally met at a young adults Bible Study back in 2001.  He was in charge of leading worship and I was the new girl in the group.   I knew most of the people in the group, but was just getting re-involved with our church after moving home from Miami.

I noticed Jacob right away and was immediately interested in learning more about the guy with the guitar.  I kept my feelings quiet, but mentioned Jacob to one key person.  She quickly (unbeknownst to me) called Jacob and made him aware of my little crush.

Shortly after their conversation Jacob asked me out and it wasn't long before we were dating seriously.

One of the things that I remember clearly about the beginning of our relationship was that I loved to sit and watch him play his guitar.  We would sit on his parent's couch and I would listen to him practice for worship.  I remember thinking that I could sit and watch him forever.....

Well, shortly after we got married we moved to Pittsburgh and the guitar got left behind.  I missed our days of hanging out on that couch and wondered if he would play again.  Law school and life took over and music was something more listened to than played.  The guitar would come out on special occasions and rare times when others encouraged him to play, but it wasn't a huge part of Jacob's life any more.

Fast forward to present day and New City Presbyterian Church.  Since we've been attending, Jacob has gotten involved in worship again.  He mostly plays bass, but will be playing his guitar again in two weeks!  He got his guitar out last night and played a bit for Jack and me.  It was fun to think again about those days ten years ago -- before marriage, law school, a home, lots of life, and Jack.  It's fun to look back, but even more fun to live this life together as a family!

Jack wanted to play too

Jack watching his daddy play

Let's dance!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jack is 11 months!

11 Months with his new Bearcat buddy

Jack is only one short month away from his first birthday!  He's been taking it easy this month, possibly just gearing up for big changes in the weeks ahead.  Jack remains content and joyful -- two things that have kept him from having an urge to crawl.  Like I said last month, I'm not rushing things or feeling anxious.  I know he'll get it soon enough. But for now he's a happy little guy that sees no problem staying in one place.  

One of Jack's favorite things to do right now is play with his Weeble Wobbles.  A kind neighbor gave us a few great Weeble toys that no longer interested her kids.  Thank you Lori!  They are the perfect size for his little hands and they have provided hours of entertainment. 

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!
Another of Jack's current pastimes is taking off his socks.  

He's almost got it!

Jack has recently become interested in sorting and moving objects.  Here's my attempt at keeping his little hands busy.

Sorting Cheerios

Helping me put the mushrooms in a paper bag

Checking his work
Jack's first tooth popped up today -- yes, his first tooth.  What can I say?  He's a laid back kid.  

I tried to get a picture of his tooth but only got gums.  I guess the tooth is just too small to show up in pictures.  Here's my best attempt at recording this momentous event and one shot of Jack refusing to pose for any more shots.

I've got a tooth!

Nope.  I'm not opening my mouth again.

Jack's eleven month onesie is from Jacob's alma mater - University of Cincinnati.  This weekend is UC's homecoming and we'll be cheering them on as they play Louisville.  We might even try to make it down to Clifton for the parade.  Pictures to follow...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Zoograss Festival

Yesterday we visited the Cincinnati Zoo for their first Zoograss Festival.  We learned that during the cool weather, most of the animals prefer to stay inside.  We weren't able to see many, but enjoyed the music and the few animals we got to see.

Aunt Christy, Jack, and me

Jacob and Jack with the gorillas

Jack loves music - he likes to bounce when he hears it and really enjoys dancing.  Here's a quick shot of him listening to Magnolia Mountain, the band we were most excited to see.  


Mara, Sam, Jack, Titus, and Lily

Our brother-in-law Andy just took a new job at Covenant Church in West Lafayette, Indiana.  He's going to be taking on the role of Pastor for Students and Their Families.  It sounds like a wonderful church and the perfect job for Andy. Congratulations on the new job, Andy!  We are looking forward to visiting you in West Lafayette and checking out your new church!

While Andy and Jodi were busy moving from Louisville to West Lafayette this weekend, four of their kids were here in Cincinnati.  On Friday, Jack and I got to enjoy some quality time with his older cousins (and grandma and grandpa).  We started off our time at Skyline, an important Cincinnati stop.  The kids pointed out that there probably isn't a Skyline in West Lafayette, and there definitely isn't a Frisches.  Now I know where we'll be eating next time they visit!

After lunch we headed to Farbach-Werner  for an afternoon hike. Titus and Sam got to ride in my car and hang out with Jack for a bit.  I think he enjoyed the company!

Riding with the big kids

I am so thankful that Jack has so many wonderful cousins that love him.  The kids are so kind to him and really look out for the little guy.  Jodi and Andy, you've done a great job!  

Titus and Jack

Lily and Mara

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My helper

Jack has recently taken interest in the broom and Swiffer.  He reaches for them each time I am cleaning the floors and gets a bit frustrated when I put them away.  This week I decided to let him give the Swiffer a try.  He's a great helper!

Jack is also a great helper in the kitchen.  Here he is helping me make a batch of Emeril's Essence:

Jack enjoys taking objects from one place and moving them to another.  This makes him a great helper in the laundry room.  He empties the laundry basket into the washing machine for me, all the while thinking that it's just a fun game.  

This also makes him a great helper when making salad.  Here is a picture of him putting the lettuce in the salad spinner:

Healthy Eater?  

He is a willing helper at this point, but I wonder:  do I need to start giving him an allowance for all of this work?

Busy Weekend

Last weekend was filled with non-stop activity that included dinner with friends, a family outing, a visit with cousins, one wedding, and Jacobs second birthday dinner.  (Yes, second... he gets three this year!)

Uncle Karl with Jack
Karl and Erika Dollard came over for dinner on Friday night.  It's always fun to catch up with the two of them and watch the guys cook together.  When Jacob and Karl get together in the kitchen it's always an adventure.  Karl loves to cook as much as Jacob and isn't scared to try new adventurous recipes -  like blue cheese cheesecake.  The verdict is still out on that one, Karl.  Maybe we need to give it a try again.

Aunt Erika makes Jack smile
The guys have cooked many meals together and everything turns out delicious.  Erika and I are the ones who benefit from all of this great food - maybe one night we'll return the favor.  Friday night's dinner was homemade pasta with pesto, flank steak, and an endive salad.  Thanks for the great night, Dollards!

On Saturday we visited Parky's Farm to take part in their Honey Harvest for the Cincinnati Great Outdoor Weekend 2011.  We've considered raising bees in our backyard and it was a great place to learn a bit more about what that would look like.  Jacob learned that we probably don't have the best set-up for bees right now.  Maybe our next house?  Oh, and Jack had a good time too, watching the bees and dressing up like a worker bee.  

Watching the bees

We also got the chance to walk around the farm and see some of the animals.  He got to see a turkey, a pig, llamas, an alpaca, horses, chickens, roosters, and goats.  He had a huge smile on his face when he got to touch the goat and loved listening to the roosters call cock-a-doodle-doo!