Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monday Night Girlfriends

This past weekend I took a 36-hour getaway with six wonderful girlfriends.  I've know some of these girls my whole life, and the friendships go deep.  The purpose of the trip was to simply spend quality time with each other and to catch up on our friendships.  Evansville, Indiana is not the most exciting city, but it was perfect for us.  We spent all of our time talking, sharing, laughing, and eating (a lot).  I love that I  walked away refreshed and energized, and so ready to share that excitement with my family.

Thank you for the wonderful weekend, girls!

Betsy, Beth, Corrie, me, Calley, Kris and Susan

Jacob gave me the wonderful gift of caring for Jack all weekend.  He not only kept Jack entertained and safe, but he welcomed me home with a clean house, a fantastic dinner, homemade apple pie, and a smile!  What a wonderful husband I have!  Thank you for loving me in this way, Jacob.

Bottle caps from Guys Weekend 2011

1 comment:

John and Corrie Guckenberger said...

Amy, I love this post and I love that Jacob was beyond expectations of your return!!
On a side note, the picture below was funny with your son's perfectly round circle of toys....

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