Saturday, October 1, 2011

My helper

Jack has recently taken interest in the broom and Swiffer.  He reaches for them each time I am cleaning the floors and gets a bit frustrated when I put them away.  This week I decided to let him give the Swiffer a try.  He's a great helper!

Jack is also a great helper in the kitchen.  Here he is helping me make a batch of Emeril's Essence:

Jack enjoys taking objects from one place and moving them to another.  This makes him a great helper in the laundry room.  He empties the laundry basket into the washing machine for me, all the while thinking that it's just a fun game.  

This also makes him a great helper when making salad.  Here is a picture of him putting the lettuce in the salad spinner:

Healthy Eater?  

He is a willing helper at this point, but I wonder:  do I need to start giving him an allowance for all of this work?

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