Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jack is (army)crawling

Yep, you read that correctly:  Our boy has figured out how to crawl.

He started by pushing himself backwards across the hardwood floors, then figured out how to pull himself along.  He's getting pretty quick and we're learning (just as quickly) what dangerous things we have sitting at Jack's level.

We're still debating completely baby-proofing vs. teaching him that there are certain things that he just can't touch.  With that said, Jacob is currently at Home Depot picking up a gate for the top of the stairs. We really, really, didn't want to put holes into the 90 year old woodwork...but we really, really, don't want to spend time in the ER either.  Safety won that battle.

Go Jack, Go!


Joyce Troescher said...

Way to go Jack! You made my morning watching your video. I like how you stopped to give a quick wave to the camera. Love, Grandma Troescher

Bran said...

I am so jealous of you.

Amy Samad said...

Brandy - How about this... You decided not to be jealous right now, and I'll decide not to be jealous when Casey is making you millions in endorsements playing professional sports!

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