Jack and I have ventured into the world of arts and crafts. With the temperatures dropping and his attention span growing, we've needed to find new activities to keep his little hands busy.
I'm still searching for more fun activities, so if any one of you have good resources, blogs, or suggestions, please share!
Here are some pictures of him playing with
Magic Nuudles - a great toddler friendly activity.
We've also started finger-painting. It was a lot of fun in the beginning, but he quickly learned that paint does NOT taste good.
Learning that paint tastes awful! |
What have you done to me? |
Washing out the bad taste |
Ok, back to the fun stuff. |
Jack, You look so serious....almost ready for pre-school! You are having a great experience. Your mom and dad are real fun letting you do all of that! Love, grandma
Hey Amy, these are great photos...
One thing I used to do with my kids to help me get things done while they are enjoying their own "craft time"...
I would put down a hug sheet on the floor, wherever I am needing to be (kitchen, etc...) and then I would give them a bag of beans/rice/you pick whatever you want and then give them measuring cups and spoons, bowls and then they would just play with that mess for ever and then in the end, pick up the sheet and everything is clean... :)
Just another idea is all.
The 3rd picture of the finger painting is PRICELESS!!!
Love, Louie
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