Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy Little Hands

Jack is getting really close to dropping that precious morning nap, and I am a bit nervous.  How am I going to keep him entertained for so many hours in a row?  I don't feel like I need to be overly scheduled or have big plans for every day, but I have been searching for different ways to keep his hands busy when we hit those, "what next?" moments.

I really appreciate the friends and family that have shared ideas, blogs, and books that are filled with creative homemade activities.

Here's one quick idea from my sister, Jodi:

We put pipe cleaners through the holes of a strainer.  I think that eventually, the hope would be that he would be able to do this by himself.  Right now, I poked them through, and he pulled them out.  He thought it was a lot of fun, and he also loved dropping his snack into the bowl.  Fun, right?

Another new activity was suggested by my friend, Susan:

I cut a hole in the top of a container and Jack dropped in cotton balls, one at a time.  Susan had initially talked about making a lot of holes in the lid, and using pom-poms.  I was kind of in a hurry that afternoon and went for what I had around.  Jack must have sensed that the activity was rushed and sub-par, because it only kept his attention for a few minutes.  

Yesterday, I fixed the problems and made a new contraption.  He really enjoyed this version and this kept him entertained while I cleaned up the kitchen and packed a lunch.

The final project this week has been to dye raw pasta.  We started stringing necklaces last week, and they were kind of boring.  I had never dyed pasta before, and it was an entertaining new project for the both of us.

First, Jack filled Mason jars 1/2 way with raw pasta.

Next, we squeezed in neon colored food coloring, enough rubbing alcohol to fill the bottom of the jar, and shook them up!

Throughout the rest of the day we rolled the jars on the floor and rotated them around.

Below is a picture of our final product.  I'm really happy with the way they turned out.  Next up:  stringing necklaces.


Joyce said...

Have you and that sister of yours ever thought of writing a book? You both have the best creative ideas! Love, Mom

Brittany said...

I totally agree! Someday I will need a book for lots of those cheap ideas with stuff that is lying around the house.

Bran said...

This is AWESOME!

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