Friday, March 30, 2012

Jack loves the garbage man!

Friday mornings have gotten pretty exciting around here!  Fridays are garbage days and Jack loves to watch the men collect the trash.

First we start at the back of the house, since we can watch them come around the corner.  Then we run to the front of the house and watch them drive down our street.  Jack loves this part since they drive backwards the whole way with their horns beeping.

The guys have gotten to know us recently and watch for Jack as they pull up.  They wave hello and stop to say hi when we come out.

Here he is enjoying today's events:


joyce said...


How fun! Your mommy had the same reaction to the school bus when she saw it. I like that you are making friends at such a young age.
Love, grandma

Brittany said...

That is so cute. I've never heard of anyone being so interested in the garbage truck!

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