Thursday, March 8, 2012


At nearly 16 months, Jack has truly begun to enjoy our time at the zoo.  I feel like this was the first time that our visit was more than just a nice (hilly) walk.  He pointed at the animals, made the animal sounds that he knows, and smiled and laughed as the gibbons swung from branch to branch.  It was so much fun to watch!

Sorry about the quality of these videos.  Again, I'm having trouble dumping my phone photos and videos.  This was the best that I could do!

Jack's impression of a gorilla:

The elephant:

I tried and tried to get a good picture of Jack watching the polar bears, but he was much more interested in the big kids that were hanging around.  He is such a people person!


Joyce said...

Love the elephant face but I think he should get a banana for the gorilla chest pounding.

Love, Louie

waz said...

thats almost as good as Jake's impression in "the uncomfortables". apparently i thought he was a caveman gorilla-- karl just informed me differently :) haha

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