Monday, March 4, 2013

5, 6, 7

It's official, Audrey.  I was much better at documenting Jack's monthly achievements than I have been at yours.  But it doesn't mean that I like him better.  In fact, I probably hold you more and spend more time sitting and playing with you than I did with Jack.  And that's exactly why these pictures are so far behind.

Audrey is 7 months old now.  It's amazing to me how quickly these last seven months have gone by.  I think what they say about raising kids is really true -- the days are slow but the months (and years) go by quickly.

I feel so blessed to have two happy little kids.  Audrey smiles all of the time!  You'll see it in some of the pictures below.  I love to see her little face light up, especially when she sees her brother or her daddy.  She loves those guys!
But don't let those smiles fool you.  She's a little pistol.  She can scream and let you know exactly how she's feeling.  And she's LOUD!  We're working on it.  I'll take it as an even trade for that grin.

5 months 

6 months


7 months

Audrey can roll over both ways, although she doesn't roll very often.  Maybe it's because I don't leave her on the floor for long periods of time -- big brothers tend to get a bit rough.  She started rolling right at six months and two weeks later figured out how to go back to belly.  

She's officially sitting up!  She loves being upright and looking around and I am really enjoying this new phase, too.  Today she even sat up in the shopping cart at Kroger.  Good-bye Baby Bjorn!  

We've talked about taking away her pacifier for awhile now, but decided to wait until after Mom and Carl's wedding.  Well, the wedding is over and now I feel ready to go for it.  We took it away for bed last night and it only took her a few extra minutes to fall asleep.  This morning's nap and Kroger were a bit more difficult.  But we made it through and she fell asleep quickly for her afternoon nap.  Wish us luck!

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