Friday, March 8, 2013

Mom and Carl's wedding

Well, the big day has come and gone:  Mom and Carl are married!  Now they are enjoying a two week honeymoon cruising the seas and we are not a bit jealous.  Not a bit.

Congratulations Mom and Carl! We hope you're enjoying your trip!

Unfortunately, I didn't do a great job documenting the day.  I think I was too busy running here and there and enjoying the time.

We started with the rehearsal on Friday at ECC.  Jack didn't want to sit still and Audrey was full of tears.  We were in full-blown panic mode by the time we went to the rehearsal dinner.  But we learned from our mistake and packed a bag full of snacks for the wedding.  (Sorry, ECC.  I think we broke your 'no eating in the sanctuary' rule that day.)

The ceremony was beautiful and the kids did great.  Jack ate enough Goldfish and Nutter Butters to fill his belly twice and Audrey sucked on her pacifier and smiled at the people around us.  Whew!

A big thanks to my parents and my aunts who juggled carseats, blankies, diaperbags, and the kids.  Jacob and I were able to enjoy two nights at a hotel which was a wonderful break.

One of the best parts about the weekend was getting to know some of Carl's family a bit better.  Jack just inherited eight new cousins and we have six new friends to BBQ with in the summers.

Congratulations, Mom and Carl!

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