Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Audrey is 10 months!

Our little stinker is 10 months old!  She's had a busy month and I've taken a lot of pictures.  I know that I should probably put away my phone and not catch every single moment.  But I can't help but want to share every smile and milestone with Jacob while he's at work. He gets a lot of picture texts every day.  So you get to enjoy these pictures, too.

Audrey's been rolling over in her bed and seems to prefer to sleep on her belly.
She's been eating everything in sight.  (Except of course for those darn avocados, and now she's refusing bananas.) I know that she's got a hole in her foot somewhere.  I just can't find it.  This little girl eats all day long.

Sometimes meals get a bit messy:

She's starting to spin around like Jack used to do.

She's a full time thumb sucker and I'm loving it!

This month Audrey got to put on a bathing suit for the first time and splash around at Washington Park.

 She's wearing barrettes in her hair.

  We've seen Audrey's spunky personality shine this month.  She loves to laugh and smile but will quickly let you know when she's not happy.  She's got a few smiles now.  She wrinkles her nose and gives a huge smile when she's really happy:

Audrey is still fascinated with all things Jack.  She wants to play wherever he's at and I have a feeling that soon she'll be choosing what they do and where they go.  

Here is her 10 month picture in the big red chair and some stats from her 9 month appointment two weeks ago:

length: 28in - 75th%
weight: 16lb 10oz - 25th%
head: 45cm - 75th%

And I forgot to mention that on her 10 month birthday she cut her first two teeth!  She's growing up!!!

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