Monday, May 13, 2013

Potty Training 101

We've entered the world of big boy underwear and potty seats.  Last Sunday we didn't have church, due to the Flying Pig Marathon.  So I decided that since we'd have two adults in the house to help out, we were going to go for it.  I purchased the book Toilet Training in Less Than a Day which came highly recommended by my sister.  And anyone who has potty trained 4 kids can offer me advice any day.

I won't go through all of the details, but I'll tell you that by the end of day one I was a bit nervous that we started training too soon.  But every day since then we've seen really positive results and I think Jack's got the hang of it.

We've gotten out a lot this week, and he's even stayed dry on those errands. Yesterday he told me twice that he had to go to the potty.  This was a huge breakthrough.

And as I said in my Mother's Day post, Jack has stayed dry even through his naps for at least 5 days in a row.  Wow!  I didn't expect that to happen for awhile.

We have two more big milestones to reach:  staying dry overnight and pooping.  The biggest issue right now is that he doesn't want to go #2 on the potty, but he also knows that he's supposed to stay dry and therefore doesn't want to go in his underwear.  This is causing belly aches and tears. He was up twice in the middle of the night last night, which is amazingly rare for Jack.

So right now I am pumping him full of apple juice in hopes that it gets things going.  He's sitting on the potty, watching a show while I'm typing this.  I may be way off on this one. But for months he's left the room to go #2.  So I'm wondering if it would be easier for him to go if he was all by himself.  We'll see.  For now, a little TV while I catch up on this blog post isn't the end of the world.

I'm so very proud of Jack for doing so well this week.  I am amazed by his progress and feel like being 100% trained is right around the corner.  Way to go, Jack!

Here's a picture of Jack picking out his underwear on a special trip to Target.  He chose Mickey Mouse.

And here's a 'just because' picture:

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh goodness, I forgot to mention that potty training totally messed with my kids sleep! I don't think it bothered Lily, but T, S and M all had trouble going to bed and napping for a couple of weeks. I think it had something to do with the fear of having to go. Great job Jack!

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