Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ultrasound Pictures: It's a.....

healthy, active baby.  Did you really think we found out???  I have to admit:  it was much harder to not find out the gender this time around.  But, we stuck with our original plan and skipped the part where we took a peak down there!

We enjoy our ultrasound tech and spent most of our  time chatting and laughing and not very much time asking those important questions about percentiles and numbers.  So, I can't tell you how big this baby's head is, or its length.  I can tell you that it weighs about one pound and is measuring exactly on time.  Our due date is July 28th.

Just like with  Jack, I have very mild placenta previa which requires one more ultrasound around 36 weeks.  If my placenta hasn't shifted upwards by then, then we will schedule a c-section.  Dr. Grim didn't seem to be phased by it and presented it as a fun opportunity to see our little one again.  I agree.

By the way, before you look at the pictures, take note that the baby is perfect.  The big bubbles on its face in the 2nd set of pictures are just a glare.  She assured us that it's not a huge growth.  We were pretty worried!


waz said...

baby samad #2 looks pretty perfect!! So excited for you:)

Bran said...

Oh Amy, I am so happy for you and Jacob (and Jack). Takes me back to our pregnant days together.

Joyce said...

Oh Baby Samad! I cannot wait to meet you. I love you already. Grandma Troescher

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