Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I go to Drew's house

Jack wants to go to Drew's house.  He tells me at least once a day, and pretty much every time we get in the car.

For those of you who don't know Drew, he's one of Jack and Audrey's six cousins that live in West Lafayette, IN.  We haven't been to visit since little Cohen was born in January.  My parents have talked about taking Jack soon, and he's so excited.

Jack was going on and on this morning about going to Drew's house and what he was going to do when he gets there.  He quieted down when I grabbed the camera, but I think you'll see that he's pretty excited!

I think my favorite part is the way he says Sam!


Jodi said...

Love that! I know Drew, and all of the others, would love for Jack to come here too:) They sure do love entertaining him.

waz said...

i like the watch tv part! haha he's getting so big:)

waz said...

i like the watch tv part! haha he's getting so big:)

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